Falmouth Classic Car Club Bylaws Effective date March 1, 2004
Mission Statement The Falmouth Classic Car Club (Club) was created to encourage interest in ownership, restoration, preservation and enjoyment of classic automobiles and trucks. Events are for enjoyment of ownership only and judging of cars will not occur. The Club is a not for profit organization. Any excess funds received by the club will be disbursed to charity or school scholarships as voted by the members at a regular meeting.
Article One Meetings Meetings of the membership will be held each month at the Club’s meeting place at 9:00 am. Meetings may be added or cancelled by a majority vote of the members.
Article Two Membership Consideration for membership is open to anyone of good character who has an interest in the ownership, restoration, preservation and enjoyment of classic automobiles and trucks. Upon submission of a completed application form, the applicant’s petition will be put before the membership for a majority vote at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Ownership of a classic vehicle is not a prerequisite for membership. All members of the Club that have made their annual dues payment are considered to be active members in good standing and are entitled to all benefits derived therein.
Article Three Dues Annual membership dues for the Club are currently $30.00 for member and spouse. Membership dues are due May 1st of each year. Payment should be made to the Club Treasurer. Members who are delinquent on June 1st shall be placed on an inactive member list and will not be entitled to Club benefits (newsletter and voting) until they are returned to active standing. Members whose dues remain delinquent on July 1st may be dropped from the Club.
Article Four Club Officers Each year, the Club shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each Officer shall be elected by a majority vote of the Club members present and shall serve for a period of one year. The election shall be held at the June meeting and the new officers will take office on 1st of the next month. If circumstances prevail that one of the Officers is obliged to retire from office for any reason, the notice should be submitted to the Club's Governing Body 30 days prior to their retirement. An election by the membership will then be held to fill the remaining term of the vacated office.
Duties of each office are as follows: President: To preside at all regular meetings and take charge at any function or meeting of the Governing body. Vice-President: To assist the President and to assume the president’s duties if the president is absent or a vacancy occurs. Treasurer: To collect and keep account of all funds collected and expenditures made, and to submit or present a monthly financial statement to the membership. Upon retirement from office, all financial records and bank account information will be turned over to the newly elected treasurer. Secretary: To keep a written record of the events of each meeting, to publish the minutes of these meetings prior to the next meeting date, and maintain a membership list.
Article Five Voting The Club was organized with the intent that it be a family organization. The entire family of each member is invited to participate in all functions, however, only the member and their spouse will be allowed to vote at business meetings and only if they are members in good standing.
Article Six Governance The Governing Body of the Club shall consist of the Elected Officers. Only in the case of emergency will they act without a vote of the membership.
Article Seven Club Events No alcoholic beverages will be allowed in any vehicle during a meeting, outing or Club function. Any member under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance shall be expelled from that meeting or event.
Article Eight Sponsored Club Events Sponsors are not permitted to engage in commerce for tender at any sponsored club event. Advertisement of products including distribution of advertisement materials is permitted. The sponsor’s name will appear on all correspondence, advertising and dash plaques associated with the sponsored event. Sponsors may advertise the event they are sponsoring. One dash plaque per vehicle admitted will be given until plaques are gone. Falmouth Classic Car Club will retain final decision regarding any activities, prizes, sponsors, participants, postponements, food vendors, etc at these events.
Article Nine Any amendments to these bylaws shall be published to the membership 2 weeks prior to a monthly meeting, read at the meeting and voted on by at least 10 members. An amendment receiving a majority 2/3 votes will become effective 30 days from the approval date.
Article Ten Dissolution of the Club In the event the Club is disbanded, any funds or assets remaining after settlement of all outstanding debts, shall be donated to a charitable organization or scholarship as voted on by the members present at the final meeting.